A fast-track, deep dive into the world of Social Responsibility for small to medium-size conscious companies who understand the necessity of offering compelling CSR programs to compete more effectively in a values-driven market. The course includes easy to use checklists, assessments, action plans, community calls/individual time with Linda and her corporate team.
Expand your market share even when price and quality are the same
Recruit and retain new generations of workers in impending talent gap
Attract impact investors interested in transparent, caring and conscious companies
Create signature partnerships and serve your community
Structure solid compliance programs and efficient supply chain practices
And More …
SPACE IS LIMITED for this is a unique opportunity to join like-minded peers ready to step up and step out as innovative leaders creating meaningful and positive change.
For more information about the Toolkit click here.
ORIENTATION – Social Responsibility the New Norm
In the Orientation, you will take an assessment of your social responsibility efforts to date to form a baseline from which to grow a stronger social responsibility program. This assessment will look at the framework within which your company operates as a values-based business, employee programs, green initiatives, compliance efforts and the ways that you measure and report your results both internally and externally. You will identify the team that will work on your new and enhanced program, their roles and responsibilities and the support that you will need from your Board and management team to move forward on this exciting and necessary venture.
MODULE ONE – Defining Your Social Responsibility Strategy
Before you can create a solid social responsibility program you must have a clear understanding of the value your product or service brings to the world as a solid global citizen and respected corporate partner. And, you must be clear on how this program weaves in and out with your business strategy to form a vibrant and sustainable business, in it for the long haul.
In Module One, you will begin reviewing your vision, mission and values statements to ensure they work as a well synchronized set. Once in place, you will create a stakeholder’s map to clearly understand the people or groups with the power to change the strategic future of your company, positively or negatively. You will study the exchange of value and impact between all parties and identify any shifts that may be needed for a more successful outcome. Lastly, you will take a look at how to measure the impact of the programs that you are considering implementing before you spend funds to initiate them. If you can’t report impact, you can’t claim value.
MODULE TWO – Cultivating Employee Value
Millennials will equal 50% of the work force by 2020 and employers need to carefully study the most effective way to compete and retain workers in a looming talent gap. The Next Gens expect companies to promote equality, a green environment and social responsibility, just as they do. And, they demand transparency and inspiration from their management who must “walk the talk.”
In Module Two, we will focus on one of the most critical parts of your business, your human capital and employee base. We will discuss new recruiting tools and the importance of a strong employer brand and culture of innovation. And, we will take a look programs that you can implement to retain a generation of employees with a different set of expectations and communication skills that may directly impact the way your business has historically been run.
MODULE THREE - Expanding Community Value
Social responsibility has evolved into a proactive global movement with direct involvement from all sectors: government, not for profit, for profit and citizen. Sector responsibilities are blurring as all see the need to come together to scale resolution of some of the world’s most pressing social issues.
In Module Three, we will look at ways your company can increase its contributions to the global community. One of the easiest may be forming a mutually beneficial “signature” partnership or alliance with a vetted nonprofit whose mission is aligned with that of your own company. Other collaborations may be public/private sector partnerships or business alliances that will impact the community in a positive way but it is critical that the value exchange runs both ways.
MODULE FOUR – Corporate Governance in a World of Transparency
We live in a fishbowl and the word of the day is transparency. Thanks to “word of mouse”, consumers and investors can easily find any information they need or want to know about your company, its products or employees. Soft law, self-imposed internal corporate regulations such as ethics codes and clean supply chain enforcement is rapidly turning into hard law (legislated) across the globe. How can you create a culture of compliance?
In Module Four, we will review the elements of a socially responsible compliance program. Supply Chain, in an effort to mitigate risks, has become known as the “Great Enforcer” in many large companies, particularly in terms of requirements of their vendors. Further, most companies attempt to regulate the behavior of their employees and contract partners through ethics codes or business guidelines. We will review trends and ways that smaller companies can create programs offering a level of comfort and trust to consumers, partners and investors.
MODULE FIVE – Increasing Investor Value
Fostering investor confidence through effective compliance programs and vibrant social responsibility programs will attract impact investors who are as interested in the impact of their funds as the return on their investments. These investors expect companies to do good and do well.
In Module Five, we will take a look at ways that you can structure your company to attract impact investor funds including the use of new corporate structures and certification programs that show your commitment to socially conscious business. And, we will gain clarity on ways that your company needs to be reporting the impact of your sustainability efforts not only externally but internally so that all stakeholders can appreciate and embrace your efforts.
MODULE SIX – Leading with an Eye to the Future
Finally, what’s next? Will you start a business to address a gap that you believe that you can fill? Will you join a company that you support and can rally with enthusiasm, waking up each day knowing that you are receiving emotional dollars as well as financial remuneration? Is there a non-profit hungry for your talents?
In Module Six, you will form a “plan of attack” and create a strategy to have a life with work that gives you a sense of meaning even as you are paid for your efforts. You will come up with a plan that is manageable and one that you can and will commit to. Moving forward on this journey will bring you friends and coworkers, adventures, opportunities and rewards in ways that you previously only dreamed of!
Now that you have a basic social responsibility program in place with the proper tools to measure and report impact, it is time to consider next steps.
Are certain programs working better than others? Are you ready to take a little deeper dive and enhance any of the programs in place? This is the perfect time to retake the assessment you took at the beginning of this class to see how far you have come and what areas need more work. Like business strategy, social responsibility strategy is a “living” strategy, fluid and negotiable, based on results – one that continually be reviewed to ensure success!
For more information about the Toolkit click here.